Affiliate Network

tl;dr is an interface that connects an advertiser and publisher

Livius de Graaf

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

The affiliate network is a link or an intermediate interface between merchant or advertiser and affiliate or publisher. Via the affiliate network, it can happen that there is no longer any direct contact between the advertiser and affiliate necessary for the pure purpose of entering into a business orientated relationship.

Role of the affiliate network

As a service provider, the affiliate network takes on the processing and coordination as well as the support from both sides: advertiser and affiliate. If you want to use an affiliate network as an affiliate or advertiser, you usually have to register there. The affiliate network is financed, for example, by fees for registering in the network or a commission contract based on sale /lead is agreed on.

Advantages of an affiliate network

The aim of the affiliate network is to streamline and facilitate the areas of organization and logistics at the advertiser and the affiliate. The advertiser is helped in the search for suitable affiliates who are a perfect fit and, conversely, the network helps the affiliate to create options for refinancing their website.

The affiliate network goes beyond mere intermediary activity. Not only are the conditions negotiated for both sides, but the technical details are also dealt with. The number of clicks is checked by the network at regular and predefined intervals and transmitted to the advertiser and the affiliate, from which the remuneration is derived. In addition to facilitating the search for suitable partners, the affiliate network also ensures that partners are pre-checked for seriousness, which minimizes the risk of fraud for the advertisers and affiliates.

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